Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Desi Aunties

All right, so desi aunties....
We all know how they can be. Lets face it their main purpose in life is to make their child better than any other child community, and to gossip about everything any other person in the desi community might be doing. Basically desi aunties can talk nonstop about nonsense, I feel like sometimes they will even make things up that are ridiculously untrue. We've all grown up with desi aunties, we all know which ones to avoid and how to keep distance, but sometime or later you will end up on the topic list. Desi aunties just can’t control it. It’s in their system to gossip.... even when you are literally sitting two feet away and can hear everything they are saying. It’s like a disease; one I hope that I never inherit!
Check out this vid showing Desi Aunties in their natural habitat by another famous youtuber: Zaid Ali:

Brown Aunties

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